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Material entregado a profesionales de la salud AR23ESP00021




Giangrande P, Andreeva T, Chowdary P, et al. Clinical evaluation of glycoPEGylated recombinant FVIII: efficacy and safety in severe haemophilia A Thromb Hoemosr. 2017;117(2):252-261. 


Esperoct® según prospecto aprobado por ANMAT, Disposición N° DI-2021-1038-APN-ANMAT#MS


Giangrande P, Karim F, Nemes L, et al. Long-term safety and efficacy of N8-GP in previously treated adults and adolescents with hemophilia A: final results from pathfinder2.J Thromb Haemost. 2020:18(1 ):5-14.


Esperoct® - Especialidad Medicinal autorizada por el Ministerio de Salud. Certificado N° 59.382. Prospecto vigente aprobado por Disposición DI-2021-1038-APN-ANMAT#MS (05-Feb-2021)



Hampton K, Chowdary P, Dunkley S, et al. First report on the safety and efficacy of an extended half-life glycoPEGylated recombinant FVIII for major surgery in severe haemophilia A. Haemophilia. 2017; 23(5):689-696


Esperoct® - Especialidad Medicinal autorizada por el Ministerio de Salud. Certificado N° 59.382. Prospecto vigente aprobado por Disposición DI-2021-1038-APN-ANMAT#MS (05-Feb-2021)


Giangrande P. Andreeva T. Chowdacy P. et al. Clinical evaluation of gtycoPEGylated re-combinant FVIII: efficacy and safety in severe haemophilia A ThrombHoemosr. 2017:117(02):252~261.


Fischer K, lassila R. Peyvandi F, et al. fnhibitor development in haemophilia according to concentrate. ThrombHaemost. 201S;l 14(4):670-675.


Lentz SR. Kavalki K. Klamroth R. et al. Turoctocog alpha pegol (NB,GP) in severe hemophilia A: long•term safety and efficacy in prcviousty treated patients of all ages in the p.:,thfinder8 study. Re.s Ptoct Thromb Haemost. 2022;6(2):e12674.